Saturday, July 23, 2011

Correct my short story?

Once a fierce and horrible giant lived in the deep dark forest he scared all the people in the village nearby why doesn't he go away they asked we would be better off without him the giant ignored them and tried his best to make their lives miserable

MBC star audition 2010 info please?

hi, so i researched the requirements for the audition and one site said "chinese, japanese, korean or english" is ok. but the other site said that the audition must be in korean. but i know ZERO korean, so if i has to be, then i better start learning quick. please please please let me know what languages are allowed.

What is a good catch slogan for sophomore shirts?

My friends and i are trying to come up with a good quote for our t shirts for the upcoming year. Last year we had freshman on the front and then on the back it said "fine FRESH fierce, we got it on lock". from California Girls. It would be awesome if you could get one out of a song but if not then thats cool too. So please help, thanks! :)

How can I slow down the wind?

My house sits up on a small hill above the other homes here.The wind I get is crazy.It lifts my furniture,takes my umbrellas over the fence to the road.I was thinking that tress would help.This is the best way to describe the layout. backyard.Come out of door,to the right is patio,open area and neighbors door,go straight and that is where pool is,surrounded by bushes.Turn right and more open space then my fence.The road is on the other side of this fence.I have tied things down,the ground won't hold stakes well,because the earth is clay.Any ideas?I had a swing out there,the wind moved it forward,then sideways and it crashed through my bedroom windows.We are talking fierce wind here.Thank you for taking the time to read this.I'm thinking along the lines of landscaping differently????

Every time I ask my boyfriend if he wants to go do anything, he can't?

I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to go ice skating with me and some of my friends he said his grandma's birthday was that weekend. Then I asked him if he wanted to go to the mall with me and some friends and he told me maybe, he said he might be a little late but then when I asked him what time he was coming he said he couldn't cuz his dad wasn't home. Then I asked him if he wanted to go see a movie this weekend with me and some friends and he said he couldn't cuz his dad gets off all weekend for the first time in a long time cuz it's the 4 of July Monday. ...... Do you guys think he's making up excuses or really can't go. Cuz he can never go do anything!

How to lock up a Skateboard?

I want to skate to school but my teachers aren't cool with me taking it in classes and on campus. So i need to lock it up or let my principal take it, which i dont want to give to him. So how would/could i lock up my board in the bikesheds without modifying my board in any way? Will a bike lock do it? Preferably answers from people who have experianced this probkem. Thanks!

What to do MAKEOVER wise to get over someone?

Get over him hunny he ain't worth it . Get confidence by your apperance and the way you carry yoursef try new makeup ' new hair color ' hairstyle ' try a new clothes style. COMPLETELY pamper yourself getyour nails ; toes ; eyebrows done. Just have confidence(:

Old cartoons???????????

when i was a child my mom had bought me a pink bear it came with a video about little toy bears that came to life it was a cartoon if i recall right it was circus themed and one of the bears had roller skates please if anyone remembers this cartoon for the life of my i cant find it cuz i don't have the name plzzzz tell me what it is

Disney auditions heard through radio? Scam?

Those radio audition things are a scam they make you join classes and just take all your money. If you want a real Disney audition thing they are holding open casting calls for Disney in Richmond Vermont July 9th. Just look that up if you are interested. All you really have to do is show up. You don't need any past experience.

How do cons feel about Hollywood doing more to fight terror than Bush Jr?

You do need to thank GWB for opening up Iraq which, in 50 years, will become an open modern Democratic Middle East society.

Can start going into ice hockey at 14?

I live in the US and know a place nearby that I could play hockey at. I know how to skate well (I can skate forward and backwards fast and can hockey stop) and I have some experience with a puck. I'd like to be able to join the NHL but would like to know if I have a chance at 14.

How do I become confident?

I basically don't have any confidence at all. But I don't walk around all depressed about myself either. I don't think I'm attractive, but I don't care. But the problem starts whenever I start liking a girl. For some reason I'm really picky about girls. They are always really pretty and I have no problems talking to them, I just never think I'm anywhere near good enough to get with a girl like that I so I don't even try. I don't think there is something really wrong with the way I look. I know I'm not the worst looking guy out there but I'm definitely not the best. I'm just your average guy. 17 years old, 5 foot 11 inches, 142 pounds, Hispanic, slightly tan but still light skinned, slightly long black hair (more on the short side but still has some length to it), greenish hazel eyes, decent skin, braces wouldnt kill me but :/. I dress like a normal teenager. Skate brand shirts ( I do skate), skinny jeans ( not too skinny or too loose, just fit) I don't sag, and match well. But im never able to talk myself into asking the girl out on a date. Im always convinced that I'm no good for her. I just can't change the way I think of myself. I've always been like this. and when I talk to other people about it and they tell me stuff to try and boost my confidence I just think they're trying to be nice. I never take compliments from my family seriously, it's like bragging about your mom saying you cool. And yes I know I went on a bit of a rant but it's hard to explain it when I'm not saying it person. And I'm not going to walk up to strangers and ask soooo yea.

I have a girlfriend. But I keep dreaming about another girl.?

Litarly I have a girlfriend already, been dating for almost 4 months. But At night when I get into the dreaming state of sleep, I have dreams about this other girl.. Now I admit, I did have a crush on her. But Im tall and lanky and not very tan, she liked the big manly looking guys [note: that wern't very manly at all... I Wanna go to school to become a master blacksmith, they wanna hiphop dance? or skate for a living?] anyway Me an my current girlfriend are doing very well. But when I think about this other girl, My back and my arms get all cold feeling, a good feeling. and my current girlfriend. well. Idk I'm not feeling a whole lot of much. am I insane? Is this gonna be another thing where I break up with my current girlfriend. to wait for a girl I can't have? I Do really like my current one. but. These dreams are really starting to bother me. Can someone help of maybe helping me coupe threw these issues before I do something stupid and regrettable?

How to score easier in NHL 11?

In NHL 11, every time I play someone, whether its the computer or Xbox LIVE, every time the opposing team approaches my goal to score, there is 3 or 4 players approaching the goal and with that, are able to pass to each other and score easily. When I intercept a pass or get the puck, I approach the goal, but it's only me, and my teammates are slowly skating behind, not being able to pass to. This makes it hard to score. Is there any way to make my teammates follow me, or is it something I'm doing wrong? Help!

Do you think a girl inline skating is cool or stupid?

My old skates broke years ago and I got some new ones. On youtube skateboarders hate on inline skating but is that just skateboarder pride? They say it's gay but is that just for guys?

Poem imagery? I wrote the poem down, can you help me answer the question?

In poetry, much analysis is up to interpretation. Trust your own instincts, and then back up your answer.

Why did he start acting weird when I looked him in the eye?

You didn't scare him at all. He likes you now. Guys associate eye contact with intimacy. Hope this helps :) He might have also had a crush on you before and this just gave him the "ok" to flirt with you.

Am i Normal, Advanced or Bad at skateboarding?

id say your good for being only 12 and who knows you might be sponsored by 14. if you love it you can do it. you gotta have the will power tho and the nutz. and you probly wont go pro lol unless you are flipping in flipping out and tricking down 15-20 stairs. pce

What is the gayest sport?

What are sports that men really should participate in? Like figure skating. What are the top five of these sports?

Im writing a book and there are many loud screeches in it from these aliens... How would I write the screech?

Just say the aliens screeched. "The fierce screech lasted around 30 seconds, drowning out everyone else's voice." Why make things complicated? You don't want to do SCREEEEECH, because it's unprofessional. Sometimes you can get away with that in kids books, but normally people get annoyed with it.

Correct my short story?

Once a fierce and horrible giant lived in the deep dark forest he scared all the people in the village nearby why doesn't he go away they asked we would be better off without him the giant ignored them and tried his best to make their lives miserable

Is MBC certificate issued by TN Govt valid in other States for admission to other State Colleges/Universities?

I have completed Plus 2 in Chennai. Wants admission to B.Com in colleges either in Hyderabad or Bangalore under Most Backward Communities quota.

Electric fire quetion?

Does it need to be direct wired? If you have a nearer existing socket then I would use that. Or, assuming you have a ring main it might be easier to run a spur from the nearest socket to create a new socket.

Good country song quotes?

Im looking for a good quote that has something to do with never giving up, being ambitious, and fierce. suggestions welcome =]

What should I do? Should I move on and forget her or should I try to be with her?

I am a straight A student but I also cut class a lot. I am considered an emo/metal head/skater/nerd. She is a cheerleader but we used to hang out a lot. She was similar to me but then we started to go to separate schools and that's when she turned into a girly cheerleader. All of her ex boyfriends are jocks. I am athletic but I don't play sports 24/7. Everytime she has a problem she comes to me. I tell her how much I love her and miss her. She tells me the same thing. I feel special when she tells me that but then the feeling fades when I hear her say it to just about everyone. I don't know if she knows I really mean what I say. I used to smoke alot but then I stopped because I promised her. I get alot of girls in my school but I just see them as friends because I really do love her. Should I turn into a jock to increase my chances with her or am I fine the way I am right now? Right now I skate alot and play soccer on the weekends. Her ex boyfriends played football like everyday and basketball. Maybe I could just go out with girls from my school that like me but I don't think it would be fair for them because I will always be thinking of someone else.

What wrist braces are good for skateboarding to prevent wrist breakage?

i broke my wrist and the doctor said if i broke it again i would have to get surgery and my wrist would be a few inches shorter than my other arm. and i want to keep skating but i need to know what wrist braces are good so i wont break it again

Friday, July 22, 2011

WIll my boyfriend leave me?

Well, you've been together for 2 months.. That seems a little early to be thinking about this. And I mean it's always a possibility. I've been with a few guys and I was with them for several months but we still broke up. I mean as long as you still find each other interesting then you can stay together...

What do you think of my new skating dress? (And I need help choosing music)?

I think doing nemo would be great! Because it'd be YOU. And what you wanted to do. Classical would be great. Your music doesn't have to match your dress. Hope you do great! Good luck!

What are the channels and names for all the kpop music?

Like every Saturday I watch Music Core but I don't know what time it comes on because i always go in the middle.And its on MBC. I also watch The M Wave on Sundays and same as the other IDK the time. And I have other Korean channels on my TV but I don't know if they have Mnet Countdown or w/e. And i want info on Inkigayo or Gayo dayum?

What do you wear to a banquet?

I am 15 going to a ice skating banquet. Is my homecoming dress from last year too dressy? We cant wear pants or shorts. THanks. Here is a pic---

Can an epileptic person study normally and work efficiently? what type of work is best suited for such people?

My younger brother takes around 4000mg of anti epileptic drugs daily. He was though very sharp in studies before this problem aroused however gradually his grades started falling. Can he pursue a normal education and what kind of work would be best for an epileptic person? is it required for such a person to sleep often(during the day as well)? what we as family members should do to bring him up to the mark as now a days competition is fierce.

Places to hang out with your boyfriend?

We're fifteen. Been dating nine months. Generally, we hang out three times a week. We go to thE movies all the time. While it's fun.. It's getting expensive. The mall.. We're both at a mutual agreement that it's gotten pretty boring after only a few times going. We usually spend our time at his house, though. We often watch movies or tv there. And boy, are we bored after the movie or show is over.. We rarely come to my house as we get less privacy than at his. We would just sit and talk.. But we literally have ran every subject totally dry. And I'm not exaggerating, either. I am not a summer person at all. So.. I keep us mainly indoors. Occasionally we'll go hang out qt the local school's playground or we'll just take a walk.. But in my opinion, those are better suited for fall and winter, haha. We both don't care for bowling. I enjoy ice skating, but he does not. I absolutely hate swimming.. So none of that. Where else could we go that is indoors? Or what else could we do? Any fun games that you can play are appreciated, too. Or any fun variations of a bunch of cheap things would be nice, too. We've just totally run out of ideas..

Do you think flash mobs orhanised by affected businesses will block the elite routes to the 2012 Olympic Games?

The fierce restrictions on the use of certain roads around London will interfere with business in serious ways. It seems the Olympic Games organisers thinks can do what they want. Maybe they should know well in advance just how much Londoners will put up with.

How should a skate helmet fit?

yup. I wear a skate helmet and it feels firm. Get a smaller helmet. Better being too small than too big as well.

Do you float through life or wear battle gear?

I try to be well prepared amd not be aan air-head, but im not perfect and sometimes i make stupid decisions ...............

My brother turned 4 today...and I think it's time to get him into hockey, you never know what could happen...?

We live in ontario..Problem is i'm 19 and i go to university during the season pretty far away...what should I do to get him to learn to skate, and should I sign him up for timbits? and btw...I dont want to hear anyone say let him do it only if he wants, because this kid is nuts about hockey...

Im trying to upload a clip from my iPhone to my computer but it wont show up?..?

My friend filmed something of me today (skating) and I wanna put it on my computer but when I try to plug in my iPhone it doesn't show up as "Portable Devices" under my computer folder, so how can I get the clip from my iPhone??

Can you please vote for me for the mbc auditions?

Liked! If you want to get more votes (likes, in your case), there are many forums and other places specifically created for voting contest votes. Info here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Auditioning for MBC! Please help!?

Record yourself singing, then dance miming the words and put the recording as the soundtrack, any simple video maker can do this, windows movie maker etc

Why would my ex do this?

He obviously still loves you... even if he did cheat he probably regrets it now that he doesn't have you... like the old saying goes, 'you don't know what you have until it is gone'. Anyway now it all depends if you want him back.

Can someone please rate my yu-gi-oh deck from yu-gi-oh gx spirit caller?

If u want a deck that can work with dragons, theen take out some of the cards that don't have anything to do with it. Sure I put in 4-5 non-dragon cards, But way to many Non-Dragon cards comared to a dragon deck.

"Weather, It's love" My poem i wrote, how is it?

Must be the night for weather funny I just made a similar refernce in my poem. I like yours...its hope.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is my yami yugi deck ok,good,bad (i know i left out a few cards)?

it looks good but you need to orgnize your cards si i can see the list. also i have built one befor and it worked good befor it took on a spellcaster cammand deck. but the deck is good.

Why do deep see fish look like something out off a horror movie?

Most or all of the characteristics of deep sea fish are adaptations to their unusual environment, and have nothing to do with making them "look scary". They have to do with catching prey in an underpopulated part of the ocean, eating things bigger than they are, and so on. We mostly think of them as freaky-looking because we're more used to surface fish.

Can falling really hard cause a miscarriage? help?!?

I'm 16 and an elite competitive figure skater and there is a slight possibility that I could be pregnant. I train 25+ hours a week and take a lot of hard falls. Most are really hard falls on my butt/back, some are on my knees, and I've had the ocasional fall where I fall on my stomach. I don't really plan on quitting skating, but I don't want to harm the (possibly) baby at all.

Can I sing well to debut as a Kpop star?

Why is your mouth moving but the audio is of? You are good but but bad also. You have bad timing and don't really raise or lower the pitch at the right time. Sorry. If you love to sing, then sing. If you want to be famous from it you need lessons. I don't mean to be mean. Just being honest and trying to help.

Why does my skateboard truck nut become so loose it falls off? Read please.?

Buy a new nut, or better replace them all. The nylon lock ring keeps them from loosening and it has worn out. The nuts are available at skate shops or hardware stores.

Tired of Being Cute- Fashion Advice?

maybe you could try rebonding ur hair? and maybe go for some job to get slimmer on ur cheeks and also maybe you might want to do what adults do =)

Is this a good outfit?

You could do with a dash of colour, add maybe a red, blue or purple baseball cap and laces (matching).............

Which is better :Surfing or Skating?

Both take skill. Lots of skill. Personally I don't like skateboaring, cause I'm a full out longboarder. I don't live near a beach whats-so-ever so I have never had the chance to try or watch surfing. But I do know it takes lots of skill. So I'm gonna have to say surfing.

As a Christian Do you play war or fighting games on your games machine, role playing?

Humans in reality have been far more violent than any video game has. And so has the god of the Old Testament....

What should I make of all these unusual weather patterns?

Its really stressing me out. It seems everyday there is something going on around me like fierce winds and rain. And in China a flood. In NZ a earth quake. In Japan etc. It seems like the whole planet has started a ferocious repugnant cycle. Any takes on this

Making your own duffel bag/suitcase?

Check out they will most likely have all that information, and a pattern if you would like it or even steps.

What time does Heartstrings starts on MBC?

i know Heartstrings starts today (June 29 9:55 pm MBC) but when i go on the t.v i go on MBC and i go through the history or watever to see if Heartstrings is really going to be on MBC 9:55 pm but when i go through it,it doesn't say Heartstrings it says some different show... :( i live in America and i really want to see Heartstrings is there another day when it really comes out?

How can I have Korean TV channel network in our TV, Like KBS, SBS, MBC?

Hello fellowmen!....I'm from the Philippines, too...I also love Koreans..kpop for short..but I do not have any connection to those channel networks...but my friends uses SKY cable to connect..try can have not only those Korean networks..:D

Suspicious lady at drive in restaurant gave me her phone number without me asking?

Wow! Stop freaking out, obviously don't lend her money or let her move in on the first date, but go and enjoy yourself for a night. You seem pretty high strung about a date! Women can be Sneaky and fun like that sometimes and I see nothing wrong with that! You will know after your date what's going on! But at least you will know!

Acting like a boy too much?

alrighty ima just tell it as it is.. im a pretty girl in highschool..but i havnt had a boyfriend in a year. somethings not right with that? i mean im kinda a tom boy .. in a way. could that be it? i dont look like one. blond hair . blue eyes.. i wear makeup and my hair has to look good at all times. but guys will think im hot but once they talk to me i guess i end up like a guy friend.. is it a bad thing that my image is completely different than my personality? people would never guess to look at me that i skate [[board]] love screamo and play black ops like a champ. if i start acting more like a girl do you think i can get a boyfriend? not act totally fake and girly but just stop burping and drinking straght outta containers lol.. what do you think?

Which would be a more brilliant business venture?

I don't see the difference in jobs your asking to chose from?? They are both selling sex. I hate to say it but the sexy maid one has already long ago been done. I'm sure either way you'd find people to partake in your games.

Mbc music core and kbs music bank location?

well i'm going to korea next week and i'd like to see mblaq, cnblue and shinee.. so i would like to know if anyone know the location of mbc music core (live shows..) and the kbs music bank?

I want some GAY male friends!?

Im a woman BUT i think that gay men seem so cool to hang with. Like when I see them socializing while im out it makes me want to befriend them so bad =D!! Am i weird for admiring gay guys?? Lol the ones i have went to school with and seen out always had humour and were so blunt and fierce. Just COOL! How can i get gay guys to be my friend??

Eople who go to gym and workout anser this plz?10 points?

Alrite so I lift weitght do the machines with my step dad and I want to kno if I should do cardio b cuz I have bug thighs from skating and running and reserched cario hekps would u recomend me doing cardio if not plese say why nat

How do you deal with pain from a cuncussion?

im 18 ive had a bunch of head injuries from skating running dancing just everything i guess ive shaken it up too much since my last cuncussion & maybe i didnt give it enough time 2 heal from everything but now im hella scared cuz my head is all messed up all the time an it even makes it hurt when i get drunk which used to take away all the pain from my last cuncussion and i cant take pills for the pain cuz my heart so wat do i do about the pain idk wat to do :(

Shampoo/Bodywash Combination?

I use hollister newport beach body wash and body spray along with axe shampoo. Is this a good or bad combination? Should I use the Abercrombie fierce shampoo instead?

Where can I go with my boyfriend?

We're both 13 and we've been together 3 months. My mom said he could come over tomorrow, and he's been over many times. She said she wants us to do something rather than just hang out at the house. We were going to go to the beach, but being that it's 4th of July weekend-not such a great idea! I'm not really into the whole like activity thing like roller skating and such, but I'm not into the movie idea either. So I mean I want to just do something fun.. any ideas? Please post anything you want! As much as you can too(: THANKYOU<3

What cut off should I have to get to join in anna university?

I would like to join in anna university for ME/M.TECH program. What cut off should I have to get to join in CSE/IT/SE/Multimedia as i'm belonga to MBC/DNC community. Please, reply me with your answers.

My scalp stinks ewwwwww!?

Well I take showers every day and scrub hard on my hair with conditioner and shampoo today i decided to put in one of the soaps we got in paris it smells sooo good in my hair then I told my sister to smell it and she said yuck and yesterday when my day said goodnight to me he said it stunk in a nice way my last shower was at 3 today it is now about 3:30 somone please give me some ways to prevent it from happening again or ways to stop it I swear my showers are now getting longer since what my dad told me! I do not do any sports in the summer just sumer ice skating and cheerleading i always to that please help!

The trading of real estate risk in the derivative market is what did in the economy?

Greed. The desire to reap huge profits from the creative mortgage industry and the escalation of housing prices.

I like him alot but idk if he gives a chizz about me?

i have known this guy since i was a freshman and he was a sophmore.i am now 11th grade he is a senior.we wudn't really talk at school much.(1 class together we passed a couple notes) and we started txtn naughty after knowing eachother for like 2 months.sometimes we still do.we have normal conversations too.but almost everytime he hints at something sexual.we have some of the same interests like punk rock and metal music.we both skate he has a skateboard i have a that kinda brings us together i guess you could say.but...if i try to chat him up on facebook he answers in like one word replies or sometimes logs off when i sign in to fb.does this mean he doesn't like me anymore?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where can I watch the korean MBC Idol Star Athletics Championships Chuseok Special with english subs?

I'm a huge SHINee fan, and I really want to watch the MBC Idol Star Athletics Championships Chuseok Special from 2010 with english subs. The entire thing, not just cuts. I have looked on youtube, but i can only find unsubbed videos of it! Can anyone recommend where i can watch it with subs?

What happens in sila season 2?

im currently watching a turkish series called sila on mbc in arabic and i love this show and i really want to know what happens in the second season because there are no translated versions in arabic and i really want to know what happens in the second season. would someone please give me a detailed summary about what happens in this show? thank you

Roller derby? Is their an age limit in San antonio? ?

I live in San Antonio Texas I'm wondering how old do you have to be to be in roller derby? I'm only 14 but I would at least like to know so I can practice roller skating

Man's input needed...shy gal is confused?

HEs just a super polite guy and thats probobly how he interacts with pple. might as well go for him if you have feelings.. if its meant to be, he'll tell you when he's free and you'll hang out :D

Scorpio: the most annoying astrology sign?

It's not our fault every Scorpio you've met didn't find you interesting enough to give you the time of day. You bored me with this question, you couldn't even write your own detailed reasons for not liking them, you had to copy and paste it from a website. Small minds entertain small thoughts, apparently.

Is Hanes clothing cool for teens?

I'm 13 and thinking about buying their underwear and socks but is that cool or a 13 year old? I like punk music skating and art. I wear converse and hurley.

My ex invites me on a date.....with his girlfriend? And she doesn't know about us going out???HELP?

first of all how can you be very close to a guy who according to you cheated and lied and disrespected you? you also say you are gay, so i am a little confused, maybe you are too, however, i feel this guy is basically a dishonest person and i feel he is using you to play games with or to try to make his now GF jealous, i also think that someone should tell his GF that he is bi sexual, with all the inherent risks to her health, even if he practises safe sex, i found out my ex husband is gay after many years of marriage and 3 children, which left us all devastated at the time, if he is so sure of his sexuality then why hide it. I definatley think his GF has a right to know, if you do decide to go with them you could always drop it casually into the conversation , say something like didnt we have a good time when we went to such and such, or if your brave enough ask him in front of her ifn her has checked out the lastest gay club or whatever, if she doesn't get the message then god help her?,, but seriously i would cut this guy out of your life for good, dont answer any texts or calls and tell him to stp discusssing your past relationship with everyone, he is too dishonest for my liking and i do feel his GF should know what he is like before she gets in too deep at least if she knows and stay with him then at least she has an informed choice and is not totally ignorant about his past hope this helps you

What are some good camcorders that are really cheap and could use a fish eye lens with it?

me and my friends want to film some skate stuff but we are all broke i have about 100 bucks and i wasted to know if anyone knows any cheap camcorders that can use fish eye? i was looking at a jvc everio gz-ms100 but they cant use a fish eye lens. so does anyone know any cheap camcorders that can also use fish eye lens?

Is creating an offshore bank/financial institution a good business idea?

So...I happen to have some amount of capital to invest and thinking if creating a small bank offshore has some future in it. The competition isn't that fierce, you will find less than 10 companies online that offer incorporating services and most of them are just brokers/middlemen and not actual banks or financial intstitutions that offer check cards/swift bank transfers, etc. The only serious competition one would face is from HSBC and Barclays( which is obviously something, see here: , ) - and forget i told that but there are 2 ways in which people will chose a newly registered bank and not hsbc/barx - one of which: if their business isn't and the other one: when they simply need diversification - like you have an account at hsbc but you wish to insure yourself and put some money in say "bank of seychelles limited" or whatever. What concerns me other than competition is that the current trend is very antioffshore...that is irs/sec and all government institutions will jail me for no reason even if everything is duly documented - also...9 out of 10 people will label me a ponzi/pyramid or whatever. Speaking about costs, I am planning to register it as a new zealand financial institution which will cost about $30k and $5k yearly fees, while i have about $120k put aside for investments ,i am a software developer and my brother is a lawyer which will save some costs (...i mean i can develop website, advertise it cheaply, etc.). The great advantage again are the financials - for instance when I advetize it on google adwords (targeted advertising) - even i have one in 200 hundred people to open an account (which is a very low success ratio) it turns out that the ROI will be about 80%-90%, let alone when customers place money into their accounts - i can arbitrage from reinvesting in say little risk investments like government bonds, other banks, etc. 10x!

Skate 2 underground skate park?

ok so on skate 2 you have to do a mission that you have to follow a pro skater and he brings you to a place where you go down stairs and its a a giant empty pool you can ride in

Names of skate-wear shops that i can find on the internet?

I am currently carrying out research into skate-wear and its trends but i must admit i am not very clued up on the subject and do not know where to start. If anyone could help by suggesting any shops that sell skater wear such as 'vans' i would be very grateful. Also, seeing as i will be conducting most of the research at home for the moment it would be good if they were fairly popular shops which had websites through which i could view their clothing ranges. Thanks.

I'm 15 years old, how do i lose weight?

I would suggest eating 1200 calories a day. And cut back on all the hard core exercising. The reason why you weigh 158 is probably from all the built up muscle in your body. So for exercising I would say walk an hour and a half, and then do pilates. It really works. I hope this helped (:

Question about ice skate's blades?

I just got my new ice skates yesterday, but it came with these screws for the blade. They didn't provide any instructions fir how to do it, but on the bag it stated to insert the safety screws on the blade after final adjustment? The blades are already attached and adjusted but there are empty holes for the screws provided. Do we just screw it into the holes? Should I just take the skates into the shop and let them do it or should my dad just screw it in?

How to ice skate without getting hert?

im 13 and on saturday my dad is taking me ice skating with his girl friend ... as i am staying the weekend with him! but iv never been befor so i duno how to skate and im scared of getting hert :P is there any tips ? x

Every time I try to ride over a high ledge skating, my body turns underneath my board. Help?

So basically I ride off the ledge and my body turns underneath my board as I'm going down, and I can only land it on one foot, can I get help so I can land on both feet?

Math question with answer, need explanation?

Okay, so in my worksheet it says "Triangle ABC is inscribed in circle O. If mAB=110 and mBC= 90 (both arcs), what is the measure of angleABC?" and it says the answer is 80, but, I don't get why it is 80 ..., can someone explain please?

My cat used to be gentle and lovely, but now she has turned timid/shy and fierce to my other cats? :( x?

Its quite upsetting she used to curl up next to me but now all she does is hiss and stuff at other cats when they just walk past her and they have done nothing wrong! x shes quite old i think shes the oldest cat out of 3... shes called daisy:{ she lost her sister when she was younger... why is she like this? what shall i do?

What's the song in MBC action's Ad of new movies in april?

It starts with the part of here comes the money (from shane Mcmahon's theme song) but then there's an amazing beat that's not from the song..anyone knows it?

I found a ipod touch?

i was at the skatepark and i saw a bunch of guys sitting on a ledge and when they left i think one of them dropped it but i did not see what realy happened a while later i saw it and brought it home there was only a email adress that i tried to contact but there was no reply and its been more than a month. my dad says it could have been from another person skating around and put it there but of course nobody would just put a ipod touch on a ninety degree is a ipod 2g

Audition for MBC Star? View and Like Please?

Stop being so desperate for votes. If the video is good, then you wouldn't need to keep "asking" this question. -_______-.

Muslims, which satellite T.V channels do you watch the most?

Music is haram for you. Why not watch normal channels and you might start to integrate with society for a change.

What channel will the golden globe awards 2011 air on in the middle east?

I want to know what channel will the golden globe awards 2011 air on in the middle east? is it mbc4, mbc persia, mbc max, mbc2, dubai one, fox movies, fox series or what?

Thuluva vellalar- which community do they belong to ?Is it BC(Backward Caste)/MBC(Most Backward Caste)?

Thuluva vellalar is one of the subcastes in mudhaliar community ...Mudaliars are people belonging to a forward caste originally from Tamil Nadu.

Why do black girls have a huge rude additude ?

I was at a skating rink with my friends and this girl out of no where yells at me and gets in my face and called me rude names

Does he like me?What do you think?

We met at the local skate park a couple of weeks ago and now I've realized how much I love him. I need to know if we both have a chance together. We see each other every evening at the park or skating ring and have a race or some sort of fun thing.His sister reckons we're cute together,but I'm not so sure. He always plays around with my hair,teases me,gives me advice and the best thing i like about him is he likes to have fun, we're both 22 and still, do teen-age things.He's single.Do you think he likes me?

How do I deal with the girl I like avoiding me?

Okay, so, I met this beautiful girl once, who was a friend of a friend. On that day, I was supposed to skate with my friend then I discovered that this friend brought the girl I like. Then me and the girl I just met (and liked) were left alone, so we ended up skating together. So she asked for my number, then we started texting and calling each other. Then she just suddenly stopped. When I text her, she doesn't respond, and she intentionally ignores my texts because I tried texting her with a different phone number and she doesn't know it's me and she responds to the texts I anonymously send. Now, what do I do? How do I fix this? And don't advice me to just find another girl because I really like this girl.

Skate 3 skate park not working online ?

So I'm signed in and have the pack downloaded etc and want to download skate parks but when I go to the community to download it says "unable to connect to skate online service" please help

What would happen if half the men in society became gay, had no sex drive or not born at all...?

There are still - at the moment anyway - more males than females in the world, due to countries where females are less valued. I don't expect what you say to have -that- much of an affect on gender levels, even in extreme cases it could only level the gender/population out.

I have scored 42.336 marks in Tancet 2011.(Mech Engg).Can I get Anna univ under MBC Category ? pz help me know?

Also kindly suggest me the best course to choose such tat it will have scope in future and stays evergreen...How about Thermal Engineering and its scope in future ? Thank you .

Going out with a cute skater tomorrow, help with clothes and makeup?

Hes into skating, duh, and boys like girls, devil wears prada, red jumpsuit, silverstein.. What should i wear to our first date tomorrow. I dont know if i should wear something to show case the boobs or a cute band tee, skinny jeans or mini skirt? natural makeup, or my normal rimmed eyeliner?

Im visiting new york city for two weeks in November is it enough?

I'll be going to visit NYC alone for two weeks and I'm 18 years old do you think it would be enough? I'll be visiting times square, central park, Columbia university, empire state, statue of liberty, ground zero, Madison square garden, grand central station, ice skating, Brooklyn heights and some shopping.

What do you think of this story? (long, please read)?

i tlooks like good writing. i like it, it's got good detail and good plotline, sort of. but you could work on punctation and how you organize your sentences if you want to get ti published.

What's the name of that corny fantasy miniseries?

ok. its my boyfriends favorite movie, i;m trying to suprise him so i can't ask him hes very good at guessing what I'm up to so it's out of the question. anyway its like this corny miniseries i think like it came out in the 90s or 80s and its a miniseries maybe on abc or mbc or something and its fantasy, with knights and things and its 13 episodes...i think. it's REALLY important that i find this out PLEASE HELP!!!

I promised to treat my kids but now have a problem?

I promised to take my kids to cinema or ice skating today but my 8 year old son has been very rude and abusive towards me. I have given him many chances to redeem his behaviour but he has not changed. I dont feel that he deserves to get treated but the problem is my 5 year old daughter. She has been good as gold and getting very upset about not being able to go out. I am a single mother and have tried hard to get a child minder for my son with no luck. Should I take my son along with us just to not let my daughter down ? I feel so guilty in having to let her down just because of my sons behaviour,

Where is f(x)'s Amber?

I was watching KBS and MBC Gayo daejun and f(x) has performed on both but without Amber. I did some research and discovered that she is in the states recuperating from an injury, but that was said in August this year. Is she still there?

I feel like a coward! how did you guys deal with being out when you realized you were gay/bisexual?

i'm out to myself and to a few people and i'm also starting a LGBT self help group at my school which i'm extremely excited about. thing is, even though i'm starting this group, somebody who sits next to me in my class said they think being bisexual is gross, slutty and it flat out does not exist. well maybe 10 years ago i would have agreed with her when i was a closet case and in denial of who i was, but a month after my 24th birthday, i realized that i am truly bisexual, that i have a 50/50 interest in both men and women. i know this is not a phase, i've secretly known since i was little, or as young as i can remember, watching both Hercules and Xena warrior princess and wanting to be with Hercules and then watch Xena and feel the same way as i felt towards Hercules. She also said that homosexuality is wrong and gross, that its all a big sin and unnatural. now a part of me feels like i've just died a little because i did not correct her at all, i just smiled and nodded at what she said, even though she told me that i was not really ADD i was just calling it upon myself. so yes i know she is a kooky christian lady(i'm from Texas by the way, bible belt homophobe central) so i know that her words shouldn't get to me, but they do, and i can't help but feel that majority of people at my school feel this way, especially towards people who are bi! how did you guys act when you first came out, were you fierce fighters for equality and stood proud, or did you barely make a sound when people said things? how did you deal with coming out, do you get more alright with who you are the longer you are out? there are days when i feel that i would be totally easier to just stay in the closet and suppress my feelings for both as i did before, but then again i don't because when i did that i got up to 380 pounds, i've lost 120 of it, which helped me come out! need advice big time!

What would you rate this story? ( long please read)?

It is a very good story, and I hope you stick with it. There are a lot of grammar errors, and I would like to know the main character's name as well. Another thing I wanted to know, was what were the "clears", and why did they pick your main character to beacome one?

Why are Russian women so fierce?!?

If by fierce you mean lovely, self confident and loyal. Then the answer is easy, that is the way they were raised. They are all of the above and more.

I want to know about cutoff?

hai.,i want to know about placement in engg colleges based on cutoff.i am expecting atleast 192%.(MBC).shall i get PSG or CIT.THE MAJIOR I CHOOSE IS MECHANICAL.(2011)

Where is a large Russian community?

I've always been attracted to Russian women (particularly the ones with accents) because not only are they hot but they all seem to have fierce fiery personalities and I like that in a woman. So does anyone know where there might be a Russian community? Like say in Colorado?

YG Entertainment Audition//Would they accept a non-asian entertainer?

From what I've heard, I highly doubt it. JYP is more open towards different nationalities, but not YG or SM.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do you think flash mobs orhanised by affected businesses will block the elite routes to the 2012 Olympic Games?

The fierce restrictions on the use of certain roads around London will interfere with business in serious ways. It seems the Olympic Games organisers thinks can do what they want. Maybe they should know well in advance just how much Londoners will put up with.

I want to buy a camera that has good quality for skate vids and the problem with some cams is that u cant see?

The flip triks or or the skater moving without it being so blurry ..any suggestions on where I can get a camcorder like that

How much money could i get for a nintendo 64?

its in great condition its like new i have 2 controllers and donkey kong mario 64 mario carts star wars and some skating and sports games

Will this affect my skating ability?

Yeah that can definitely affect your ability and can slow you down and cause you to have less balance

Where is a large Russian community?

I've always been attracted to Russian women (particularly the ones with accents) because not only are they hot but they all seem to have fierce fiery personalities and I like that in a woman. So does anyone know where there might be a Russian community? Like say in Colorado?

K-pop lovers please support me!? My freinds and I did a mbc audition and we are wondering if u can support us by viewing it or pressing the like button(but only if u like us) :) thankyouu!!

I'm a 20-year old student, can i be a K-Pop Idol?

dude nothing is too difficult to achieve,dont waste time thinking ust go and do it.thats it ust do it,the time one spent procrastinating is the time someone else will take coming closer to their dream.atb!!

Is football an action sport?

My friend says foot ball is an action sport. I feel it is just a regular sport and sports like skate boarding and bmxing are action sports. I know there are probably some big words for it but i'm just saying...

Was i sleepwalking with my newborn?!?!?

don't drink and try to take care of a newborn toddler as you can see not good for you think things could have been worse so pls don't do that again

I am any good at skateboarding?

I can ollie, pop shuvit, kickflip, bs 180, half cab, 50-50. ( I can do all of the flatground tricks fakie) I have been skating for 3 months. Am i any good? what do you guys think? I wanna know if I should continue

How should i dress???

I dress like a skater but i stopped skating so how should i dress now? I still like wearing skate shoes and skinny jeans. I just don't wanna be known as a poser so like where should i shop? I normally go to zumiez and pacsun

Where to watch Live Korean Channel online?

Hi, I was wondering where can I watch SBS, MNET, KBS, MBC online. Please do not give me any dead links or spam links, I really want to watch Korean shows live now that I have no school to worry about. If any of the sites require any plugins please let me know also I have Firefox and Safari so please keep that in mind when answering my question with links! Once again THANKS YOU ~~~~~~

How to deal with pain from a cuncussion?

im 18 ive had a bunch of head injuries from skating running dancing just everything i guess ive shaken it up too much since my last cuncussion & maybe i didnt give it enough time 2 heal from everything but now im hella scared cuz my head is all messed up all the time an it even makes it hurt when i get drunk which used to take away all the pain from my last cuncussion and i cant take pills for the pain cuz my heart so wat do i do about the pain idk wat to do :(

I'm writing a story and need help?

Okay, well she could find refuge in another friend (a male) and find that after she tries and tries and TRIES to get James back she is actually falling for her other male friend...? Or is that too clique? And this male friend could hate her because she is manipulative and horrible, so they have a love-hate relationship kind of thing? Maybe she could hate this male friend and take all of her anger out on him and thats how they get to know each other and eventually fall in love...? Sorry, thats all I got!

Need some help with character names?

Honestly, the best character names are ones that are realistic. Harry Potter? Generic name without a specific meaning. Characters who have a trait in their name is too cliche. Pick names that you like, pair them with last names according to what nationality they are from. If you pick the name Paul and decide his ancestors were from Australia, you Google Australian last names and should find things like Beckett.

Απόψε είναι βαριά: Please give your opinion on this poem...?

I love the inclusion of the other language. Being bilingual allows for more fluid and versatile story telling. This is beautiful.

What episode of MBC we got married YongSeo couple where wife Hyun give husband Yong a handmade Scarf?

I really wanted to watch that episode. I didn't even catch up to the other episodes because I can't found an Eng Sub of it. Sonems have many but some of it are removed. Can't watch. and also,pls give me the link with eng sub on the episode where Hyun give Yong a scarf.

What size catfish reel? Braid color?

Green does not show up to well in the water, red does go with green. I use a salt water reel for large fish and a stout line is needed. A 30 lb cat will put up a good pulling contest.

Please help me interpret this poem.?

Oh my God, you have no idea how much I hate this poem. The writer, Dylan Thomas, had a father who got old and weak and frail and was practically dying. So this idiot decided to write an entire poem about how you shouldn't just let yourself die and you should fight to the finish. It's a dumb poem by a dumb poet. So, yeah, that's what it's basically about. It's about never giving up hope for survival and you should fight to survive. Blah, blah, blah, I'm going back to Robert Frost now.

How do i install a manual boost controller with a external wastegate?

im trying to get my turbo working on my D16Y8 civic. i have everything connected but im not making boost only vacuum. i think i have the MBC connected wrong. HELP!!!!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

How much Axe should I put on?

First I wanna say I'm not some tool that puts a containter of Axe on. Usally I shower at night(before bed) with either a regular bar of soap and shampoo or some Axe bodywash(I don't use it anymore I ran out). Then in the morning I put on Axe deoderant and anti-persprent and put some body spray on. I usally use Excite or Twist and I spray it randomly on my body for about 1 to 3 seconds. Is that to much? Or is that the perfect amount or is that not even noticable. Also girls whats your favorite Axe scent and or Abercrombie scent(Im looking for something new personally I like Excite and Fierce from Abercrombie) thanks :D

Are they gonna continue tek turkiye on mbc 1?

i really love to watch it but im not seeing it on the channel ever since ramadan ended so does anyone know if they are or can someone give me a site where i can watch it in arabic

Tell me some skateparks,10 points best answer!?

I want to know the name of some indoor skateparks,spots,labs,factorys,to recreate them in skate 3,optional with some pictures,i really want them,but except Berrics,Tampa and Fantasy Factory.

What should i add to my warrior deck?

take out hibikime , top runner , and the six samurai because hibikime is useless , add speed warrior , junk synchron , take out gaia and replace it with swift gaia , add junk warrior , junk archer , junk destroyer , and colossal fighter , and command knight with can boost your monsters .

Im in love with a schizophrenic!?

Ah hi, i am in a lot of stress at the moment and i cant... i try... look i just feel like giving up! im married 3 years now to a woman i loved the moment i set eyes on. but we have gone through so much in our lives i am with her 10 years this july and all of our life so far has been so good,but now i think i am at the verge of collapsing we are blessed with two beautiful children their twins and reach there first birthday this august .my wife has become ill with a mental illness called Schizophrenia if you havent heard of it this affect mind etc and has voices only she hears it was very strong on her side of the family and unfortuantely she has under pressure big time because she has mental confusion she sees things hears things and tells me im not her husband that she is married already and has four children (None of this true it has to do with her illness) and says her children are not hers either that they were left here .I spend so much of my time in dark rooms at night just thinking i feel lost .i look down at the two most beautiful babies that we had together and hurt she cannot share the experience with me. i have to mind her like a child because she could do self harm because this illness is dangerous im under fierce pressure with office work and the minding the twins.we sleep in seperate rooms and she wont let me near her.she is on medication for the illness .i have no help because i lost my parents when i was young and i dont speak with my brother and friends i have lost since i became almost a full time work baby holic...i feel alone i just cant describe it.BUT i want to make myself clear i do not blame my wife at all! it is none of her fault at all and i love her more and more .i just really needed someway to express my thoughts and feeling at this moment because i need someone to talk to i cant lose my wife i wish i just wish she remembered who i was. Thanks to everyone and anyone out there who took the time to read this. Andere x

I need help with this poem?

There are strong contrasts between the way the poem describes the jaguar and the way it describes the other zoo animals. For one thing, the jaguar gets three stanzas to itself, while all the other animals are crammed together in to just two stanzas. But there's more to it than that. Look at the specific words and phrases that the poem uses to describe the jaguar -- "hurrying enraged," "fierce fuse," "the world rolls," etc. -- and compare those descriptions with the ways in which the poem describes the other animals. The contrasts are pretty noticeable.

My friend is acting sketchy...?

My friend and I have been bros for about a year now. We both skate, but he has an obsession with his Justin Beiber hair that all the girls adore. He won't skate in the summer unless it's 70 degrees and no wind. But if he does skate, he only does shuvs, 180s and ollies. He says he "has to go" and then 3 minutes later he says "just landed 5 heelflips and a 360 shuv". I don't wanna seem bitchy but how do I confront him with his skating things and his hair obsession cuz he has gotten to the point where he carries a comb around and goes to check his hair every 5 minutes. So, in recap, how do I say stuff nicely to him about his hair (coz if u confront him in a meanish way, he says about you) and how to confront him on his "lying" about skate tricks cuz he has before. 180ing a 3 stair when I can't even 180 a curb... Varial heels... Heelflip sex changes... And the worst part is that they believe him and when I say I can Ollie a 4 stair they say imma lying poser... Help

In all the stories you have read, who is your favorite character? why?

Elena from the other world series by Kelley Armstrong. She strong she has a personality that you either will hate her or like her. She resourceful and doesn't need a guy to help her out of a situation. She loyal to her family members but sometimes indecisive in situation which makes her feel more real.

How to get stains out of shoes...?

So, I skate sometimes and walk around a lot, and I have these neon green vans that are really bright. Lately, they've been getting dirty, and I don't want to stick them in the washer, because that seems like it would malfunction or something, and I really love these shoes, so... help?! Thanks :]

Umm am i Advanced, bad, or normal for skating this long?

First, Yahoo doesn't allow you to use their "Answers" service until the age of 13. Second, you are at a great pace to be pro by the time you get through school.

Do you agree with this description of Andrea Dworkin?

No. She single-handedly managed to damage the reputation of feminists more than any anti-feminist or MRA could have dreamed of doing. Her statements of ignorance and hatred will be used as reasons to dislike feminism for years to come. Hmmmp, I suppose I should thank her........

Broken fibula and tibia - teen - how long in hospital?

I broke my leg,ankle, and foot (so both those bones plus more) and was able to leave the same day. In most cases you are able to leave the same day the only reason they would keep you is if surgery is needed immediately and if that's the case probably only a night or two or if they suspect internal bleeding and that could be up to a week and also if they suspect internal bleeding it was probably bad enough surgery was needed.

Need a new game that isn't FPS or 3PS. Help?

grand turismo is a must for playstation owners, unchartered2 also is very good game and graphics but as u had cod4 and killzone its not that worth buying.but if u dont own god of war3 u must buy its the best game and graphics ever on ps3.for a figthting game upcoming wwe12 promises a complete new experience.

Computer freezes and crashes?

I am working on my gfs parents computer just upgraded OS's to Windows 7 and added 1 gig of ram same as old ram type but with it it crashes blue screen freezes and discolors the screen something fierce with the old ram it works. what am i missing

What will happen? help?

I recently got raped up the butt by a fierce unicorn, it hurt but felt magical. But i have been constipated for the last two days and im scared that when i finally poop I will poop out confetti. I'm scared, what do you think will happen and how can i keep unicorns out of my butthole?!

Figure Skating Music ?

if you are really good you can try hip hop because im a figure skater and i always do hip hop but if you are a starter i would do classic

I hate my dad. I don't know what to do?

My dad just gets on my nerves something fierce. He's rude, and loud and thinks he's funny, but he's not. We just don't get along. I fight with him almost every time I go to his house, but he still won't let me live at my mom's and spend a couple of days with him every once and a while. My mom always says that she wished I could live with her all the time, but whenever I ask her she gets pissed off and tells me that I have to live at my dad's too. I don't know what to do. I'm so depressed there and I actually hate life when I'm at my dad's. I know that sounds immature, but I've just had enough. I hate living there and I hate him. I just don't know.

I think i'm depressed, but i don't know what i'm depressed about?

Alright, i'm 14 and lately i've been feeling depressed for NO reason at all. I've been kinda losing interest to go outside and bmx or skate, at night, and sometimes day i get REALLY scared of like death or suicide(but i am NOT gonna do it). And i kinda feel like crap because the girl i love(we used to date) doesn't really care that much about me anymore. Could that be it? I've also been listening to music like Joy Division which is kinda depressing. Is it just a phase? Should i talk to a doctor? Or should i stop listening to that music? It's also hard for me to clear my head. Can you guys help please?

Why can't I spin? Is it because of my blades? ?

I am a freestyle 3 jumper, and I am still struggling with a two foot spin. I am working on my entrance to my scratch spin as well as endlessly trying to go more than 3 times around on a two foot spin. I never ever can keep centered, I always travel, can't balance and am almost completely on my toepick. I just can't stay balanced and I can't just can't find the sweet spot. I just get so stressed and upset about it- I have been skating for more than three years and I still can't do it. (I only do one half hour lesson a week so we progress mom doesn't want us to do more because the nearest rinks a half hour away.) the skates I have now are riedell 133 TS. They come with blades and I just feel like the skates and blades are too low for where I am (I had another post about my skates and people said I should get better ones). But would better blades really help, or is it just me? Any spinning tips are much appreciated. It really just makes me want to quit because I get so frustrated.


HEY! I getting an in-line roller hockey team together in Tucson, Arizona. All ages and any experience levels welcome! Hockey in-line skates only! XP Send me in email and we'll see what we can figure out! =D

Shampoo/Bodywash Combination?

I use hollister newport beach body wash and body spray along with axe shampoo. Is this a good or bad combination? Should I use the Abercrombue fierce shampoo instead?

Me and my health? Am I healthy?

Hey guys! Alright, so I'm 12 yrs in seventh grade. I'm on the shorter side and I weigh around 76-78. I decided to start eating healthier. Today, for breakfast, I ate two pieces of whole grain white toast, for lunch: a salad with shredded cheese and Italian dressing with a few wheat thins, and for a snack an English muffin with peanut butter, and butter noodles for dinner. This, in my opinion is particularly healthy, I'm watching what I eat now and I think that's a good idea. I'm pretty active and I walk my dogs once around the block every night, I swim for about an hour on Thursdays, and I do figure skating practice for about an hour on Saturdays. So.. Am I healthy? BTW, I want some suggestions on what I can eat thats heathly for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Please let me know. All mean and stupid comments are sure to be deleted. Thanks. By the way, was what I ate even healthy? Sorry... lots of questions. :)

Who was more hated: Barack Obama or George W. Bush?

They both have fierce critics, but who was more hated? How does the Tea Party of 2009 compare with the anti-war protesters of 2003? Who was more disrespectful?

Idk if I broke my nose..?

I fell from a 15 ft ramp, and I tried skating down it but I fell straight on my face, and I ended up getting a great amount of blood pouring out my nose. I landed straight on my face, and my nose looks like it has a bruise between my eyes(maybe half an inch down, to be exact) and it feels like I can move my nose left to right, and when I press down on it kinda hard it feels like I'm moving it.

How to not get hurt skating ?

well I just started skating and I'm not very good. the problem really is that I'm pretty heavy. I weigh 200lbs (I'm not that fat. I have muscle too). and falling down hurts a lot compared to those 100 lb fairys that I see skating on tv. so my question is how can I avoid getting hurt when I fall and also how can I avoid falling

What cologne should I buy?

I was checking out Polo Black and I keep getting mixed reviews on it. Some make me really wanna buy it and some make me really wanna ignore it. I am going into High school and I don't want to smell like an old guy or something. I have a bottle of fierce from Abrecrombie so it's not like I don't have a great smelling cologne to back up Polo Black if I get it and it has a terrible result

Question regarding the current MBC auditions via Youtube~?

You can go on the official youtube channel for the auditions. They will pay your travel and stay. You can sing anything that a is kpop, english versions, your own version, translated, and etc. Winners are picked by judges, number of youtube views, and rateings.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


You may wonder why it is in capitals but I have asked this question various times and have had no reply. I am in a dilemma whether to get in line skates or quad skates because I have that foot problem where I bear my weight on the inside of my feet. It isn't as bad now though. If i got inline skates do you think i would find them harder because of my foot problem?

Cool Skateboarding Brands?

get him a Alien Workshop. they are about $100 and if you by just the deck(wooden part) about $45. and if shoes? get him some Nike SB about $45-60... if he wants clothes... idk skate clothes i just go out wearing whatever i want.

How do I get a ticket for SBS - MBC Gayo Daejun 2010?

I going to Korea on 31 December 2010. I want to see SNSD who will perform in SBS - MBC Gayo Daejun 2010 on that night. I really want to know how to get in to the show?Thanks.

Music for a jazz dance?

I really need some fierce, exciting, powerful music for a dance I'm choreographing. It's for a girls duet that is jazz/contemporary. It needs to be mostly fast, but I also really like music that changes tempo, sounds, etc. throughout. The song doesn't necessarily have to have words, really anything's fine. I'm open to anything you suggest! These are very talented girls that I want to give a challenging piece to, and to do that I need some really great music! Thank you! :)

Is spocks skate camp worth it?

i mite sign up for his skate camp just to learn some new stuff i already know how to ollie and shuvit so i was wondering if it is worth signing up?


HEY! I getting an in-line roller hockey team together in Tucson, Arizona. All ages and any experience levels welcome! Hockey in-line skates only! XP Send me in email and we'll see what we can figure out! =D

Guys-which do you like more?

All guys like the boob to waist ratio. Chubby girls with big waist ... no .... coca cola bottle.... yes. Small waist but meaty legs or big upstairs .... yes of course.

Skate 3 skate park not working online?

So I'm signed in and have the pack downloaded etc and want to download skate parks but when I go to the community to download it says "unable to connect to skate online service" please help

Is this proper latin?

Dux Ducis de Gens Acer if you could tell me what it means that'd be great i think it means leader of team Acer (sharp, keen, fierce)

Just a simple question.?

keeping urself busy and finding something to focus on helps. u need friends to distract u and in time u'll 4get all about her

What to do on a rainy weekend with kids?

All this rain and icky weather down here in Florida made us have to cancel our scalloping plans for tomorrow.... what do we do now! I'm sick of being in the house already. It's been terrible weather since Sunday.. We have gone to the indoor skate park, skating rink and movies. Any other suggestions?! We don't have a decent museum, or inside playground. My kids are 7 and 3. Thanks

Can i plug my triton ax180's into this monitor?

Can i plug my Triton AX40's into this monitor as i dont think it has the red and yellow Audio ports,

After what happened to Charla Nash, why is anyone in the U.S. allowed to keep a chimp at home?

It is well known that chimpanzees are physically stronger and fiercer than human beings are. In light of this knowledge, why are people allowed to keep chimps in their homes where they can potentially escape and hurt or kill innocent people? A home is not a zoo, so a homeowner should not be allowed to keep a chimp at a private residence in a residential neighborhood. Charla Nash was left blind, disfigured, and without hands after 'Travis' the chimp, a neighbor's pet, freaked out for no reason and brutally attacked her. I can't believe there has been no legislation banning the private ownership of chimps in residential neighborhoods following this grisly attack.

What is the name of the older thriller movie that appeared on ABC family?

Years ago, my brother and I watched a movie on ABC family & it took place at like a seaside Inn or home. One of the main characters was a scary man and he thought that a pretty young woman that was staying at the Inn (or now living in the house?) was his dead wife.. Near the end of the movie, the man set fire to the old Inn. Also, there was a fierce black dog in the movie. Any ideas what the title of the movie is?

How much HP can I get from this STi setup?

I would think you can run a little more boost like a pound or two but I wouldn't raise it much more than that with the stock exhaust. Especially the down pipe with the stock cat in place. Hard to say what you are making or what you can make with proper tuning since you are missing some parts to start upping power but I would say you can run somewhere in the 220 to 250hp range with 10 to 12 psi or so.

Do I have a chance with her?

I am a straight A student but I also cut class a lot. I am considered an emo/metal head/skater/nerd. She is a cheerleader but we used to hang out a lot. She was similar to me but then we started to go to separate schools and that's when she turned into a girly cheerleader. All of her ex boyfriends are jocks. I am athletic but I don't play sports 24/7. Everytime she has a problem she comes to me. I tell her how much I love her and miss her. She tells me the same thing. I feel special when she tells me that but then the feeling fades when I hear her say it to just about everyone. I don't know if she knows I really mean what I say. I used to smoke alot but then I stopped because I promised her. I get alot of girls in my school but I just see them as friends because I really do love her. Should I turn into a jock to increase my chances with her or am I fine the way I am right now? Right now I skate alot and play soccer on the weekends. Her ex boyfriends played football like everyday and basketball

Help?! I'm still in love?

uughghhh the age limit is getting low day by day..okay firstly,,,,u r 14 for christs sake..u dont understand the whole concept of a relationship...and about virginity??? girl be reasonable..okay??just clean ur brain honey...take all those thoughts off ur mind,,u dont need all that junk..i would advice u to be careful with those guys,,,dont let ur harmone rush create a mess in ur life

How can i try out for MBC/JYP/CUBE or other entertainments?

I wanna know how to try out for these korean entertainment groups or more other entertainment groups. Can you also tell me other entertainment groups and what they're looking for? I know YG and SM and JYP... Thanks :D

What makes nike sb shoes different from others? why are they so popular? why did it start?

i need to do an essay on Nike Skateboarding shoes saying why they are the best skate brand in every aspect. thanks

I can't stay doing one sport/activity? D:?

Alright, i'm 14 and last year i LOVED BMX Racing and Freestyle and i'm still doing it and i still love it, but i'm also skateboarding and i might try free running with my friend. I don't wanna quit doing bmx or skating, but sometimes i get scared i'm gonna quit them for something else. But when i start skating or biking then i start loving it. Help?

Is it weird to wear leather gloves with a hoodie?

For example, a solid grey hoodie with black leather gloves and navy jeans or sweatpants with skate shoes?

Can someone tell me about skate boarding and snow boarding equiptment?

I applied at dunked and I know about tricks but when your on a skate or snow boards what would you buy for it and why?

Best diet plan for me?

what the best diet for me.. im 125 pounds about 5.4.. i skate board alot! and i want a diet that gives alot energy,

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I have scored 27.49 marks in TANCET 2011 can I apply for counselling.Will I get part time M.E seat in any of t?

I have scored 27.49 marks in TANCET 2011 can I apply for counselling.Will I get part time M.E seat in any of the colleges in Coimbatore.I belong to MBC quota

What makes someone a "skater"?

I was talkin to a buddy and he makes fun of all the kids trying to skate calling them posers. I told him you don't have to be GOOD at skating to be a skater. In my opinion you don't even need to know how to Ollie. As long as someone enjoys doing it I would call them a skater. I'm just trying to get opinions about this to see what people think.

Is this a miscarraige or something related to pregnancy? please help?

three weeks ago on the 8th my boyfriend and i were messing around and he ended up getting pre-*** on his fingers and then touched me down there. On Saturday the 18th i got what i thought was my period. I had extremly bad cramps , my skin broke out, and i was kind of bloated. It stopped sunday night which is really weird for me because theyre usually 4-6 days long. I had light spotting on monday and tuesday. My friend suggested to take a pregnancy test so i took one on that wednesday the 22, which was 2 weeks from the wednesday when my bf was over. It came back negative. The same incident between my bf and i happend again the past tuesday the 28 which was day 11 of my cycle. I took a pregnancy test just now to see what it'd say and it was one of the ones with blue dye..the control screen had a really thick blue line on it and the positive screen had a really really realllyy thin, faint blue line.(could this be false or could it be true?)I havent gained weight Ive actually lost 2 pounds, i dont have morning sickness, and im not sensitive to any smells. Yesterday last night and today i woke up with weird discharge on my underwear. it was really dark and ive had two tampons in since and theyve all had the dark brown discharge and some blood. im having slight cramps atm, too. I am a competitive figure skater and fall alot (on my back or knee mostly) I skate 25+ hours a week. Ive taken some pretty nasty falls in the past couple weeks too.

Does KBS, MBC or SBS have better korean dramas?

ie been watching dramas from each of those places and i was wondering which had better dramas. and what they are please?

Sports I can try at a later age?

If your a girl then I guess you should learn tennis and yoga. A boy should do martial arts and tennis. But archery seems so dangerous…

Exercise advice for a soon to be 16 year old?

I have just started working out, but I'm only using a ten pound weight. I'm doing three different arm exercises on both arms for 50 reps a piece, daily, and was wondering is that good enough? I have pretty big leg muscles because I ride my bicycle for miles at a time, and skate every week, but how else should I help my arms?

What type of skateboard should I get?

So, Im a 13-year old girl and I want to buy a skateboard. Thing is I have no clue what to look for. Also, I want to skateboard, but I can only go to a skate park. There are tons of guys that are older and are better and I never see any girls there. I kinda get discouraged. Anything to help get me over this?

What's a good brand of Roller Blade(inline skate) to buy?

Hey There. I was just wondering whats a good brand of skates. I used to have a pair of K2's about 10 years ago. Haha. I've been wanting to get back into it. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Why did he start acting weird when I looked him in the eye?

He's probably drunk? It'd make sense, like once, this drunk guys scooped my friend's breast.....and she slapped him ofc. lol

Does Zelda have a weapon stronger than the Master Sword?

ZELDA never uses any weapon besides the Light Arrows and Magic Spells. the person you really refferring to is called Link. that's his name. and no so far the master sword is probably the strongest sword in the zelda universe. Ganon is his ultimate evil foe that can only be beaten by the master sword. of course there are other villains in the zelda universe but ganon is known to be far superior. therefore making the sword the most superior weapon. (theoretically speaking of course) and no one can say skyward sword is more powerful because Skyward sword becomes the master sword.. so either its weaker or JUST as strong..but id put my money on weaker.

Scorpio: the most annoying astrology sign?

It's not our fault every Scorpio you've met didn't find you interesting enough to give you the time of day. You bored me with this question, you couldn't even write your own detailed reasons for not liking them, you had to copy and paste it from a website. Small minds entertain small thoughts, apparently.

Can I swim with great white sharks?

I would like to dive with the ocean's biggest and fiercest predatory fish; not inside a shark cage. Is it possible to do this safely? I know that if you make yourself clearly visible to a great white, they will understand that you are not a seal and will not attack you but...are they at all unpredictable? Could it possibly mistake me for a potential predator (even though the only natural predators of great whites are killer whales/orcas)? Sharks are my passion and I'd really like to befriend and interact with a great white shark.

Dream about a Snake bite?

I had a dream about a Green snake that bit me while I was going for a jog. (I remember saying oh its not a dangerous snake, its not poisnosous its a big Garter snake, althought it looked scary) But the bite hurt and struck me fierce and QUICK. After that I went back to my house and the snake was in my room once again it bit me in the same spo t(In The Ankle) The dream ended with me killing the snake by Stepping on it with my shoe.

Do you think I should be Allowed to Go?

I think it's hard for parents to let go of their children when they start getting older and doing things on their own. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to enjoy time out with your friends at a place like that. But, until you have children yourself you don't know how hard it is to let them go. Things happen these do get abducted and raped and killed. So you're parents fears are not entirely crazy. I hope you can find some common ground with your parents.

Yugioh dec question help?

u should try elemental hero. they are mostly effect monsters. yugis deck is too old and not much has an effect.

What percent of american teens own a car?

only legitimate sorces please, reporters, news stations (CNN, MBC), secretary of state, that kind of stuff. please no blogs no speculation. thx

Is there an indoor skate park in Albuquerque?

Is there and indoor skate park near Albuquerque or El Paso TX??? Because there are a lot of outdoor parks but I do not really like them, it doesn't matter if it is outside of those cities, but near them.

Assassin's Creed Poll: Altair VS Ezio VS Desmond?!?

I personally love all of them. From distant, fierce, cold-hearted Altair to noble, dependable, powerful Ezio, it's already hard enough to choose. I just think that Desmond deserves some props too. I mean, you're really HIM in the game, & he's the modern assassin. Altair & Ezio have a special place in my heart, but what do you guys think? I just think that while Ezio & Altair had to earn their place as top assassins, Desmond had the easier route (he picked up all of Ezio & Altair's moves from using the animus, rather than actually being trained for them.) Don't get me wrong, Desmond's a beast, but... it's just my opinion. What do you guys think?? :D

Have you been watching the recent news on mbc,cbs,abc and cnn KING hussien OBAMA now wants to--?


What is the song name that MBC action is playing now a days for Gamer movie trailer ?

i lose my mind in the search of this track really need to hear it and also i cant identify the name of it but i hear that he says ( watch your back ) or ( watch your game ) or ( watch what you say ) something like that the word watch your i am certain about it i am sure of it but i need the name of the song

Can you help me come up with an interest group name?

It's their choice. If they want to keep the baby they can. But i don't think any living being should be killed. Im for if it's a pregnant young teen who took mistakes and who wants to live their life. But yeah. BBC

Need help on creative writing easy 10 points?

I really need help on a creative writing piece, I can think of really good techniques, e.g. Isolation surrounds me, or the fierce zephyr colliding against my chest, but I literally cannot write a good story/creative writing piece, I can think of the techniques but I can't take it towards my advantage to write a good piece, BTW, I have to write it about a song, which makes it even more harder. All I need to know is how to write it, in a way that it will make sence. Easy 10 points please help.

Please rate my mostly warrior deck and suggest ANY changes?

I like your general structure. I'd add another Gilford the Legend just in case something happens to one before you can summon it because you can't monster reborn him. Also Get your hands on a Warrior Returning Alive spell card and a Sword of the Soul Eater equip card. A couple of cards that can negate the activation of cards like Really Eternal Rest and Eternal Rest would be good for you because of all of your equip cards. Definitely get Silent Swordsman LV 7. He's like a Jinzo for Spell cards. I personally would not go with 60 cards. But that's just my preference and I know how hard it can be to cut down a deck you worked hard to build. But 60 can make it difficult to get what you want. Hope all this helped.

I need a good excuse for ordering pizza?

I'm really really craving pizza, but my sister and her friend are over. My sister would be cool with it, but her friend is over ( and my sister is a TOTALLY different person when we have company). So if I order a pizza, her friend and herself will beg and bother me for some pizza and I don't want that. I do have an idea though. I wait outside and skate, then when he's there to drop off my pizza, I go to my favorite place in the neighborhood and eat it. But I need a back up plan if it doesnt work.

Will there be another Korean War?

There is a lot going on in Korea right now. As I watch the Korean News, (KBS, MBC, YTN) they say they are doing military exercises. Do you think there would be another war? If yes, when do you predict it will happen? And can you please name all the countries that would help the South? THANK YOU SO MUCH!~

Is it time to quit or what?

my right foot points to the outward when i walk or when i sit or whatever, if i try to bow it to the inside i can't, i feel that there is an extra bone in my knee and calf that don't allow me to move in anymore ... so i don't think i would be able to skate easily and i don't think i will be able to skate backward at all (i can't bow them and make them face each other so i can't really go backwards then).. should i just give up?

Are they allowed to refuse medical attention to me?

I guess you appeared too anxious there. Let them give a shot to get your anxiousness down and get some x ray done. By the way is something as big as your skull getting cracked happens you won't be in a position to be using your computer right now.

What do you think of Paul Tracy's comments on Nascar?

Like the others pointed out, he came to Nascar and didn't make it, I believe he even tried trucks a couple times. So if it is so boring why come and try it.

Does anyone know of good fisheye lens for the nex vg 10?

i want to buy a fish eye lens for my nex vg 10 but it has to be under $200 and i need the fish eye to film skate videos and stuff like that

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to get back into skateboarding? i only skate in the fall and spring?

should i start out skating in tennis courts(because the ground is smooth) and bike paths? how do i get back into it.. im kinda board with it now:/

Any game that isn't a FPS worth getting? With good replay value?

Try Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas. They're both still FPS, BUT they're offline games. They keep you busy for +200 hours (takes longer for 1-2 years if you have a job and life) with the huge storyline, quests, character interaction, etc. They're so fun! You can be anyone you want to be and do anything you want to do it. It has moral choices and you can kill anyone and go anywhere. There's a lot of freedom in it.

Inkigayo/Music Bank/Music Core/M! Countdown in America?

does time warner cable have any channels like mbc or kbs (even if you have to subscribe to them) that show any of the shows mentioned in the question?

Why is The Rocky Horror Show so popular?

I heard so much about this movie , and finally decided to watch it. I know it has a very loyal and fierce fanbase, which is cool, so I don't wanna make anyone mad. But I had mixed feelings about it.. although the music was great. Anyways , I was wondering why its so popular ? Its very bizarre and disturbing , and I'm not sure what about it made people love it . Im just genuinely curious , and would appreciate some honest aswers. No mean answers? Lol , well thank you !

Does he like me? Kind of long but still?

Ok so there is this guy named Dylan. At my church we were going to do broom hockey from 10pm to 12am and we were on our church bus. I was sitting by my friend Sadie and two guys behind us named Austin and John. We were all laughing because Sadie and John were talking about farting(yes I know, I've got some pretty random friends)and so yeah. Well Dylan and somebody named Brandon were on the other bench thing right next to us talking to the people behind them. Well I would constantly look back at Dylan and he would always be staring at me. He is HOT too! While we were playing broom hockey, ofcourse, they put me on his team. luckily there were other people on our team. And I was terrible. I hit the puck once! So he quit before I did and went to just ice skate with alot of other people. And Sadie wanted me to quit it so we could go skate. I was glad about that. Thing is, I CANT SKATE!!!!! So anyways, I on to the rail, looking like an idiot. So I just sat in this little place with some other people. He didn't talk to me because I don't know him enough for us to talk. We go to the same school, but he's on another hall. Anyways back to the story. It was almost like he was following, but keeping his distance so it didn't seem like he was stalking me or anything. He did this also on our way back to church. The next morning it was the same way. Our church was going to Nashville to feed the children were we pack up stuff to send off to people that don't have as much as we do ( I was at my churches d now and that's why we were doing this stuff ). He would stare at me there too. We were all around this little thing were you sat the boxes down on it and you had to push it whenever you were finished with one box and needed another one. Him and Austin were the two guys to push it. I would always see him looking at me to make sure I was finshed before he pushed it and he didn't do it to anyone else so he made me feel special:) he did it for the rest of d now;) does he like me?

Would you rather pay $153 or $1,049 to cover another person's health care?

How about the option where we lower healthcare costs for everyone by stopping the insane malpractice lawsuits? Then go after people who would rather pay for their cell phones, internet and booze rather than their healthcare before we allow our congress and president to create another bureaucratic entitlement program. Medicare and Social Security costs have skyrocketed since they were created and the answer is to create a new entitlement? I don't get it.

Why is my friend acting like this? Male 14?

Hmmm, he is 14 and prob very immature... But, are you a better skater do y'all compete... Cause if you hadn't done something he's thinking about something. But put yourself in his shoes... Maybe the people he was with don't like you or maybe not... But If you were him, and you blew someone off and then seen the person you ditched and being young you'd run too right?

To be a korean news anchor in korea do you have to graduate a korean university?

I think it's very unlikely that someone who studied outside of Korea would be able to become an announcer. The most important thing about being an announcer is pronunciation. This probably takes years to master as is probably practiced throughout college. General knowledge is just as important. It can't be too beneficial to study Korean politics and event while studying abroad. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them can speak some English, but there really is no practical need for English on tv. Also keep in mind that the average announcer is very smart.

Do I have a chance with her?

I am a straight A student but I also cut class a lot. I am considered an emo/metal head/skater/nerd. She is a cheerleader but we used to hang out a lot. She was similar to me but then we started to go to separate schools and that's when she turned into a girly cheerleader. All of her ex boyfriends are jocks. I am athletic but I don't play sports 24/7. Everytime she has a problem she comes to me. I tell her how much I love her and miss her. She tells me the same thing. I feel special when she tells me that but then the feeling fades when I hear her say it to just about everyone. I don't know if she knows I really mean what I say. I used to smoke alot but then I stopped because I promised her. I get alot of girls in my school but I just see them as friends because I really do love her. Should I turn into a jock to increase my chances with her or am I fine the way I am right now? Right now I skate alot and play soccer on the weekends. Her ex boyfriends played football like everyday and basketball

Help me decide which book to read for my summer reading project?

The Grapes of Wrath. It is a really good classic and can parallel a lot of what is going on now in the economy.

Does this sound like a suitable name?

cathaoir Luxovious Llewelyn sounds like a very unique and suitable name, I am sure anything you choose would be good though!

How's my voice?is it good or bad?why people dislikes it?

i do not know i dont dis likes it i havent even watched it did you make it recently how could i have forgotten some thing i love already i didnt how ever greetings we met for the very first time

Choreography music like Sonya Tayeh uses?

I'm choreographing three dance pieces. All are contemporary jazz pieces (leaning more on the jazz side). One is a girls duet, one is a girl/boy duet, and another is a girl's solo. I need some fierce, kinda different music for all of them, like the type that Sonya Tayeh (from SYTYCD) uses. I really love her music choice, but I have a hard time finding things like it. I would love tons of suggestions of either songs, artists, or places that I can find cool music like that! Thank you so much! :)

Help with my Warrior Synchro deck?

Dump this deck and make a new top tier deck, Not trying to be mean but this deck cant win any at my locals

What he try to say and what are the important issue?

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the *****'s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.

Why do Turks love Arabs so much lately?

Really I think it's because the world is opening up to see how arabs truly are and how vast and ancient their culture is.It's happening here in america too,I have a lot of friends who are now putting their names in arabic.It's probably just karma too since arabs were always looked down upon and made fun of because of their language.

Please answer this is the 5th time i've asked (Skateboarding)?

keep it up sounds like ur advanced u maybe shud start doing some stairs grinds and tricks off stairs then u an be considerd pro

Will you read my poem, s' il vous plait?

I like this a lot. My favorite is also Mythical's favorite. This may be one of my favorites from you.

Caste - which one shud i use..............?

Generally caste of father is accepted.Now in Tamilnadu(India) it was ordered to accept the name of mother for initial of children.Earlier father`s name was alone accepted. I do not think caste of mother can be accepted by educational institutions just because it is beneficial to the children.

What is my caste BC or MBC?

My father school certificate mentioned -- Rajapur -- south kanera --- BC--- in 1972 that means what i am belongs to which caste & community now and this are district areas please give idea?

Where do you see the Lions/Bears rivalry going these next few years?

All of a sudden these two teams (well their fans mostly) have really taken on a fierce aggression towards each other. Each believing they can be second in the division and take an NFC Wild Card, and some even talking about taking the division. It seems like the Bears are on the way down with aging talent and the Lions with new, young playmakers are on the way up. Will their be a few years of an intense rivalry between these two teams?

Do school violate civil rights of girl NJ student aid bid rejected due to mom's status?

I don't know, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand we had to pay for the education of an anchor baby and very likely welfare for the last 18 years. Now her illegal parents won't even pay for her college education. But on the other hand, it's not her fault anchor babies are granted citizenship.

Skateboard filming tips?

so the other night one of my nigas shoot out the idea of my fimling him skate since i said i wanna buy a longboard and like to cruise. i always wantede to do somthing with cinematography but i dont know where to start ive been looking at the sony cx110 but id prefer a camcorder with a handle(like the professional ones) but i dont have that much money i know i want hd so thats no compromise.. my second qustion is i dont want to just be filming a few people i know skating how do i get my name out in buffalo ans become a sick *** filmer and just have a good time making awsome videos that respect that art of skating btw im 16 yers old this is something oh yeah and i decided to go to trade school next year for heating ventalation but should i cange my course to digital media? my dad would beat the **** out of me if i did but its somthing that id rather do also my price range is 200-450 but i dont want to waste my money and end up not using it da **** im confused on life

Figure skating: am i a good weight?

I am 16, 5"5, and weigh 98lbs. Is that to much, to little or just right for a figure skater? If it helps i'm also in freestyle 5 and skate around 5 hrs a week (not including 5 hrs off ice)so i'm a decently dedicated figure skater.

Anyone care to invite me to their Skate 3 team?

Just got skate3 for ps3 and starting to realize rarely anyone plays and finding a team has proved difficult. So could anyone help me out if they play decently often and want another team member? xNiTeIVIaReSx

Why does the scorpio horoscope so accurately describe my personality?

there is something you missed in this description, its very detailed but also very general, its explains all of the facets of being born under this sign, it is accurate most of the time, but there are some loop-holes, for example : Im a scorpio, I admit to being extremely manipulative and calculating ( but nt for a bad goal unless its pranking ;) ) but I usually forgive people, and people constantly try to find out my true self and opinions about them, but im too secretive and mysterious for that (so ive been told) on the other hand I have a scorpio friend thats very direct with her opinions about people and speaks her mind withought further thought, and another one thats too indiscreet with things she should keep to herself and to discreet about things she should show, in conclusion this description describes any scorpio because it is very general, and scorpios are very transformative sccording to their mood :)

I need a friend to talk to?

Ah hi, i am in a lot of stress at the moment and i cant... i try... look i just feel like giving up! im married 3 years now to a woman i loved the moment i set eyes on. but we have gone through so much in our lives i am with her 10 years this july and all of our life so far has been so good,but now i think i am at the verge of collapsing we are blessed with two beautiful children their twins and reach there first birthday this august .my wife has become ill with a mental illness called Schizophrenia if you havent heard of it this affect mind etc and has voices only she hears it was very strong on her side of the family and unfortuantely she has under pressure big time because she has mental confusion she sees things hears things and tells me im not her husband that she is married already and has four children (None of this true it has to do with her illness) and says her children are not hers either that they were left here .I spend so much of my time in dark rooms at night just thinking i feel lost .i look down at the two most beautiful babies that we had together and hurt she cannot share the experience with me. i have to mind her like a child because she could do self harm because this illness is dangerous im under fierce pressure with office work and the minding the twins.we sleep in seperate rooms and she wont let me near her.she is on medication for the illness .i have no help because i lost my parents when i was young and i dont speak with my brother and friends i have lost since i became almost a full time work baby holic...i feel alone i just cant describe it.BUT i want to make myself clear i do not blame my wife at all! it is none of her fault at all and i love her more and more .i just really needed someway to express my thoughts and feeling at this moment because i need someone to talk to i cant lose my wife i wish i just wish she remembered who i was.

Do school violate civil rights of girl NJ student aid bid rejected due to mom's status?

I don't know, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand we had to pay for the education of an anchor baby and very likely welfare for the last 18 years. Now her illegal parents won't even pay for her college education. But on the other hand, it's not her fault anchor babies are granted citizenship.


umm.. decent i guess but honestly it seemed like you were singing in the shower and there is water rushing into your face

What should I do? I want to be with her?

I am a straight A student but I also cut class a lot. I am considered an emo/metal head/skater/nerd. She is a cheerleader but we used to hang out a lot. She was similar to me but then we started to go to separate schools and that's when she turned into a girly cheerleader. All of her ex boyfriends are jocks. I am athletic but I don't play sports 24/7. Everytime she has a problem she comes to me. I tell her how much I love her and miss her. She tells me the same thing. I feel special when she tells me that but then the feeling fades when I hear her say it to just about everyone. I don't know if she knows I really mean what I say. I used to smoke alot but then I stopped because I promised her. I get alot of girls in my school but I just see them as friends because I really do love her. Should I turn into a jock to increase my chances with her or am I fine the way I am right now? Right now I skate alot and play soccer on the weekends. Her ex boyfriends played football like everyday and basketball

Where can i go with my boyfriend?

Like my step-mom says, "there's always gonna be a person that likes u. U just gotto wait 4 them."

Turkish Show help please Sila!!!?

Hi! On MBC 1 their putting this new show called Sila. Its a Turkish Soap Opera translated into Arabic. I really want to know about the show and whats it about and what eventually happens. How many episodes are there? Is there only 1 season or 2? And how would you rate it from 1-10. also if you have MBC 1 the Arabic channel ,why did they stop putting "The Fall of Leaves" or Al awraq al Motasaketa? And also about Sila could you please tell me the story or plot of the show. I've only been watching since last Monday but I want to know the story line about it. Thanks so much!!! :) <3

Need help naming my 8 week old rott. she is fierce!?

she is teething alot and i wanted names like Kaylee, layla, laylani, or pirauna. any suggestions b/c my fiance wants to name her yasu...

Egypt:OSN network showing adult scenes in movies?

do u agree with their policy in showing the whole movie with cutting any inappropriate scenes or against it and want it like MBC and DUBAI

Hide it or come clean?

So i totally ate it yesterday going down a super steep hill and experienced a lot of speed wobbles and eventually hit a crack and flew off like a freakin airplane. i slid really far and my knee looks pretty gross and i'm not sure if i need stitches. my elbow has major road rash and hurts like a *****. my hip has minor injury and has skin taken off like my knee and elbow. i also have a big bruise and cut over my abs. i'm a girl btw. i'm 14 and i don't know if i should hide my injuries fro my mom or not. the only people who know about it is my friend ashley who was there and called her dad for help to pick us up because i was bleeding a lot. we wrapped it up in gauze and then i changed the bandages today and i'm scared to tell my mom. reason being she'd never let me skate again and i'm pretty sure she would yell at me for not telling her yesterday. she hasn't noticed anything because all i've been wearing is sweats and sweaters. i know she would be mad, but my knee is really torn up, you can't see bone, but the cut and scrape is pretty deep and idk if i need stitches. any advice on how to treat my injuries, and if i should tell my mom?

What is the gayest sport?

What are sports that men really should participate in? Like figure skating. What are the top five of these sports?

Anyone know where I can watch We Got Married Season 1 (MBC) from Episode 44 with english sub?

The video from has low quality. Please give me a valid website and not a "Go check it out yourself" answer. Thanks a lot for helping! =D

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What do I need to improve my Warrior deck?

Your deck is great, but you need more monsters. other than that, also make shure the amount of trap cards and spell cards are not over but a bit less the amount of monsters you have. I recommend getting a starter deck and then taking out the worse cards.

Whats a good tumblr URL?

I wanted to have "living-fiercely" but thats already taken, anything else I could put instead of living, or anything with the word fierce in it? or even anything thats like that would really help!

If there are 200 skaters in a rink, all skating at slightly varying speeds, what is the best estimate for...?

In a normal distribution, which is the standard assumption if you don't have any information about the distribution, half the population is above the average.


its probably because he misses her and simply wants to see what she looks like naked again because hes simply tired and sad that he hasnt seen her body in a while, its fine while its done in a relationship, but if a guy asks for it before you even start to go out, well then it shows that they're a bit of a perv/just plain out strange. I have never asked a girl for nudes, i usually just wait until we actually 'get together', one time i had a long distance relationship but she was the one who encouraged me to receive nude skype calls from her (i was never nude she would just strip down half way through the call and then change again) she said she did it to keep the relationship going and in a way made we really want to see her soon.

Good yugioh deck? its just random cards...but im planning to buy more warrior and pyro type?

First things first, do not EVER buy single cards straight get ripped of. Always trade for the sh*t you need. Next, idk exactly what it is your trying to do here, but if you were to test this out against even a scrub, you'd get beat fast...just being honest. Listen: the best thing to do is have a theme. Pick an archtype(s) and stick with it/them...but i don't suggest mixing archetypes. And idk your knowledge of the game but i hope you know what an archetype is. It's a group, or family of monsters and support cards for those monsters that all work together and help eachother out (i.e. gravekeepers, frogs, lightsworns, six samurais/shiens, x-sabers etc.) So, if lets say you do want to make a deck of warriors...thats great! But, what KIND of warriors would you like? Will you build....Gemini? Samurai? Elemental Hero? You see, there are many different things you can do with your deck, but all cards must work towards the same purpose. You must set your purpose for and within your deck. Another great tip: NEVER run more than 40 cards. Never. And ALWAYS have your side deck packed to the ends with 15 great situation cards. Anyways, back to the deck. All Im saying is, clear the slate and start over. My advice would be to do reasearch on tier 1 decks and see why theyre great and why they win. I personally run gravekeepers as my main deck because I love the archetype, and love their theme (slow, somtimes fast control with great draw power and searching and destruction of cards, some hand advantage and/or field swarm). I hope my advice to you is taken in a way that will greatly impact your future games and strategies....Superb luck making decks and have fun out there :D

Why do Turks love Arabs so much lately?

We share many things in culture and many other things and we are near by location, what else we need. We hope to have more and more relations and mutual friendship and love.

Im writing a book and there are many loud screeches in it from these aliens... How would I write the screech?

Just say the aliens screeched. "The fierce screech lasted around 30 seconds, drowning out everyone else's voice." Why make things complicated? You don't want to do SCREEEEECH, because it's unprofessional. Sometimes you can get away with that in kids books, but normally people get annoyed with it.

Do you expect your parents to take your side and believe everything you say when you get in trouble at school?

One of the problems we hear about are "over the top Uber parents" who take on teachers, administrators and even kid's bosses when their child says they are having problems. They are fierce and frightening in their desire that their child should succeed in everything and if the kid doesn't it is someone elses fault.


I've had a bit of experience with this, I have had gf's in the past that have send me some "interesting" photo's. I find it to be a really nice gesture and if you haven't seen each other in a while and it can really spice things up. However the one thing I have never done is asked for dirty photo's, I find it a bit creepy to ask but with long distance maybe its different as it is alot more difficult to see each other its nice to have some sexy momento's.

Why are Russian women so fierce?!?

If by fierce you mean lovely, self confident and loyal. Then the answer is easy, that is the way they were raised. They are all of the above and more.

Do Mainstream Christians endorse same sex marriages?

No. They recognize them as impossible by definition. Check your dictionary. Besides, what difference would "endorsement" make? Do you really think that endorsing flying cows would enable cows to actually fly in any real sense? Or that rational people would accept the idea of flying cows just because they were "endorsed"??

What face shape does this actress/model have?

You look good.(no homo) But you are a very pretty woman go look at my pics on my page the were done by profetionals besides one

Places to hang out with your boyfriend at?

We're fifteen. Been dating nine months. Generally, we hang out three times a week. We go to thE movies all the time. While it's fun.. It's getting expensive. The mall.. We're both at a mutual agreement that it's gotten pretty boring after only a few times going. We usually spend our time at his house, though. We often watch movies or tv there. And boy, are we bored after the movie or show is over.. We rarely come to my house as we get less privacy than at his. We would just sit and talk.. But we literally have ran every subject totally dry. And I'm not exaggerating, either. I am not a summer person at all. So.. I keep us mainly indoors. Occasionally we'll go hang out qt the local school's playground or we'll just take a walk.. But in my opinion, those are better suited for fall and winter, haha. We both don't care for bowling. I enjoy ice skating, but he does not. I absolutely hate swimming.. So none of that. Where else could we go that is indoors? Or what else could we do? Any fun games that you can play are appreciated, too. Or any fun variations of a bunch of cheap things would be nice, too. We've just totally run out of ideas..

What happens in Yaprak Dokumu?

I've been watching the show since the first episode on the Arabian MBC channel because its translated in Arabic because my Turkish is bad but fairly good but my Arabic is great. I'm watching the 2 season episode number 5. What happens after that to them? This is my first time watching this but I have understood that it was a book made in 1939 and the show was made in 2006. But now they are showing it to us. What happens to Ali Reda and his wife? And do Necla and Oguz stay together or does Necla come crawling back to her home? From little bits and pieces I've read that Sevket divorces his wife(Deniz Cakir) and he goes to jail?!? Is that true and is it also true that Oguz kills his boss and Sevket takes the blame and Sevket goes to jail? Does anybody die and how many seasons are there really? One place it said 5 seasons and 1 said 3 seasons. I'm kind of confused. Also does Layla stay mentally ill or does she go back to normal(doubt that). Can anybody tell me what happens and what it finally comes to? Thank You!

Alternative Night Out?

Me and a friend are going out tomorrow night but stuck on what to do. We don't want to do the typical pub crawl as we're driving down to Hull the next day, so we'd be looking at something like rock climbing, ice skating etc. We don't want to travel too far and won't be going out till 7.30pm due to work so it would have to be in the county Durham/teesside area and open late. Any idea's would be very welcome!

Sila Turkish series music "Sila Boran"?

I am watching this Turkish show on MBC Arabic and i love the instrumental music that on there and the song where the show starts I've been looking EVERYWHERE for them but i cant find it who is the artist of all these songs and does anyone know a website that i can download them on.

Is there problems with using saltwater reels in freshwater?

I want to get a Penn fierce and I was wondering what's the big difference between fresh and salt water reels?

Philadelphia Eagles Question?

When the Eagles faced the NY Giants in New York,they got their asses kicked.In the 4th quarter,the Giants had their period and lost,by that great comeback.Everyone knows the Eagles were ment to lose that game.The next week,the Eagles lost to the Vikings,the team who had a rookie Quarterback starting,a team without Sidney Rice,the defense sacked Vick 6 times,Eagles lose the game,next week the starters are benched,the Wild Card game vs Green Bay,the Eagles again struggled offensively against the Packers and lost.What im basically trying to say is that the Giants set out a "Blueprint" to stop the Eagles fierce offense and even one of the worst teams beat the Eagles and later Packers took them out.The question is,does Andy Reid know that teams now know how to stop Michael Vick by containing him in the pocket and blitzing him from the outside,and also keeping the Wide outs in check?Do you think Andy Reid is aware of this and may have some plans how to keep his offense a top 3 offense in the NFL and still keep defenses struggling to catch Michael Vick,DeSean Jackson,Jeremy Maclin,and LeSean McCoy?Because it is possible that all 31 teams will copycat what the Giants did and maybe try to improve it,because the Eagles are one of those teams that have a mark on their head because they get a lot of hype nowadays.

Can I watch Korea TV channels like SBS, KBS, MBC on TV in America?

I watch here: a href="," rel="nofollow"…/a free online and sometimes not available. I think some KPop fans got these channels (who are from North America) Try asking your TV Network service thing! ^^