Monday, July 18, 2011

How much Axe should I put on?

First I wanna say I'm not some tool that puts a containter of Axe on. Usally I shower at night(before bed) with either a regular bar of soap and shampoo or some Axe bodywash(I don't use it anymore I ran out). Then in the morning I put on Axe deoderant and anti-persprent and put some body spray on. I usally use Excite or Twist and I spray it randomly on my body for about 1 to 3 seconds. Is that to much? Or is that the perfect amount or is that not even noticable. Also girls whats your favorite Axe scent and or Abercrombie scent(Im looking for something new personally I like Excite and Fierce from Abercrombie) thanks :D

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