Friday, July 15, 2011

Do I have a chance with her?

I am a straight A student but I also cut class a lot. I am considered an emo/metal head/skater/nerd. She is a cheerleader but we used to hang out a lot. She was similar to me but then we started to go to separate schools and that's when she turned into a girly cheerleader. All of her ex boyfriends are jocks. I am athletic but I don't play sports 24/7. Everytime she has a problem she comes to me. I tell her how much I love her and miss her. She tells me the same thing. I feel special when she tells me that but then the feeling fades when I hear her say it to just about everyone. I don't know if she knows I really mean what I say. I used to smoke alot but then I stopped because I promised her. I get alot of girls in my school but I just see them as friends because I really do love her. Should I turn into a jock to increase my chances with her or am I fine the way I am right now? Right now I skate alot and play soccer on the weekends. Her ex boyfriends played football like everyday and basketball

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